

E.P.S. is a team of professionals in the field of high-precision positioning and geodesy. Based on many years of experience and knowledge of our employees and reliable foreign partners, we focus on long-term cooperation with our customers. The E.P.S. team offers highly effective technologies and equipment from the world's leading manufacturers for high-quality solutions to the problems faced by our customers. A flexible approach to each Customer allows us to create and offer the optimal technical and commercial solution based on optical, electronic, laser or satellite equipment.


NovAtel Inc. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is one of the world leaders in the field of development, production and implementation of technologies, components and complexes related to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS). Territorially, the company is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard and produces high-quality OEM modules, GNSS receivers, GNSS antennas, software for processing the results of GNSS measurements, and also provides comprehensive integration of GNSS with inertial navigation system technologies. The company's products are widely used around the world for geodetic and hydrographic surveying, GIS support and aerial photography, in the tasks of high-precision agriculture and mechanism control, in solving the tasks of unified time systems, as well as in aviation and marine transport. Receivers of NovAtel Inc. are actively used in wide area and local GNSS functional supplements in the USA (WAAS/LAAS), Japan (MSAS), Europe (EGNOS), China and India. The company's strategic policy is aimed at offering highly effective basic solutions for TOP manufacturers of GNSS equipment. In addition, the company is making great efforts to meet the wide demand for integration equipment, offering the best performance/cost solutions on the market. Recently, NovAtel Inc. belongs to the HEXAGON group of companies (Sweden)


Carlson Software, Inc. (USA) is a leading global developer of software for geodesy, land cadastre, mining, civil and industrial construction, road construction, machine control, GIS and other applications, as well as a range of special office applications running in the AutoCAD environment for spatial information processing and design tasks of various objects. The company has created several software packages installed in both electronic total stations and field controllers to work with electronic total stations and GNSS receivers. Since 2010, the company using its own developments and innovative technologies of NovAtel Inc. manufactures the GNSS RTK Surveyor+GPS system.


South Surveying & Mapping Instruments is a leading professional industrial enterprise in mainland China. It includes five subsidiary factories specializing in the production and sale of nine types of geodetic equipment, such as: GNSS systems, electronic total stations, theodolites, rangefinders, optical levels, laser plane builders, various accessories (reflectors, milestones, adapters and etc.), as well as software. The number of engineers and employees of the company exceeds 1,800 people, the scope of the company's activities covers 30 provinces of the PRC and has more than 150 municipal offices, as well as hundreds of authorized dealers in China. The annual sales volume of the company is more than 20,000 electronic total stations, 30,000 electronic theodolites, more than 2,000 sets of GNSS systems and more than 3,000 licensed copies of the software. Such sales volumes are a powerful force in the modern geodetic equipment market. Not sparing efforts in the field of international market research, in recent years SOUTH has developed a network of distributors in more than 80 countries and regions of the world, exporting a large number of instruments and equipment. The SOUTH company treats its customers with sincere love and does everything possible to improve the quality of its equipment and service in today's dynamically developing world.


Calian® is a developer, manufacturer, and provider of GNSS, Iridium antennas and accessories in support of customers who are engaged in a broad range of satellite-based positioning, navigation, and data applications.

Based in Ottawa Canada, Calian is focused on high function, high performance technology and solutions. The core competencies include digital wireless networks, RF and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) component design.


Headquartered in Sweden, SatLab Geosolutions is a worldwide provider of satellite positioning solutions, strategically establishing offices globally. Our company was founded by a dedicated group of engineers with over 40 years of combined experience in the GNSS industry. Led by seasoned industry experts who prioritize our customers' needs, we concentrate on continuous research and development. The SatLab Geosolutions team tirelessly collaborates to deliver innovative products tailored for surveying professionals worldwide, offering comprehensive and superior solutions.


In the field of geospatial technology, surveying experts rely on exceptionally accurate measurements to shape our environment. At SatLab Geosolutions, we take pride in developing solutions infused with Swedish engineering and technology. Our products undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the highest standards. When you power up our technology for your work, you experience Swedish innovation that you can trust, designed and engineered with excellence in Sweden


Septentrio розробляє рішення для позиціонування для промислових застосувань, таких як робототехніка, будівництво, дослідження та картографування, гідрографія, логістика та безпілотні літальні апарати. Штаб-квартира Septentrio розташована в Льовені (Бельгія) і представлена по всьому світу з офісами в Еспоо (Фінляндія), Лос-Анджелесі (США), Шанхаї (Китай), Йокогамі (Японія) і Сеулі (Корея), а також численними партнерами по всьому світу.